malmö - november 2006

Thursday 9th

Driving south it's a big relief to see the sun again - got time for a quick visit to the family cottage on the way down there and everything is looking really crisp and clear in the sharp light of fall:

The KB venue is much bigger than Pusterviksbaren but I'd say that less than 200 people has shown up for the occasion. Probably to compensate for the lacking attendance tables and chairs has been setup, something that doesn't really fit a typical Juliana show. OK so you can sit down relax, have a perfectly free view of the stage and enjoy the show but it does takes away a lot of the energy factor.

Before the show starts I manage to meet up with Lieve from Belgium who's also on the road for most of this tour only missing out on the first show in Umeå. In case you haven't discovered already let me tell you that she's a really good photographer - check out her flickr catalog for a very impressive coverage of Juliana's european visits in 2006.

The opener Sara Culler appears on stage playing guitar accompanied by a guy alternating between bass and drums. In fact the actual amount of playing that takes place is limited since it's all based on prerecorded backing tracks. It's only her second solo show ever and technology does let her down more than once. The music as such is in the folk meets more modern (as in 10 years ago modern) electronic stuff genre.

As a sharp opposite Juliana's setup for this tour is about as lo-tech as it gets - bringing only a Fender amp and a tuner pedal. For the spring tour she did use more gear including the sampler pedal that enabled her to play solo's over her own backing something that definitely added a dimension to the solo show. Initially when I discovered the new lo-tech approach I was a bit disappointed that it meant we'd probably have to miss out on a few great songs on that account but on the other hand Juliana is all about the concept of a talented musician performing great songs - the tech stuff doesn't really play that big a part.

Even though the big stage and the tables is a big change compared to yesterday Juliana seems to adapt without any problems whatsoever and she delivers another strong performance. Small talk subjects of this evening includes jogging and ambidextrousness! One of the highlights is A Doe And Two Fawns - I'd heard her mess it up quite a bit on the Stockholm recording but tonight she nailed it!

Here's the set list that Lieve managed to get down (in somewhat random order):

  • Hotels
  • My Sister
  • Spin The Bottle
  • Choose Drugs
  • Somebody Is Waiting For Me
  • Everybody Loves Me
  • The First Shiver
  • Tourist
  • Because We Love You
  • Oh
  • Hole In The Sky
  • A Doe and Two Fawns
  • Slow Motion
  • Nirvana
  • Necessito
  • Let's Blow It All
  • Ugly
  • Girl In A Box
  • Stupid Thing
  • Simplicity Is Beautiful
  • Rats In The Attic
  • If I Could


While I'm not a big fan of bridges being built everywhere I must admit that tonight I find it rather convenient to have a solid connection between Sweden and Denmark. Just a quick 30 minute ride over the bridge to Copenhagen and I am able to find my own bed again.

Mood of the day: Elegant - class act



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