june 2004 - the diary

Thursday 24th

I end my Hollywood visit by having breakfast in an internet café on the boulevard. This gives me a chance to catch up with the Some Girls forum where, as a bit of a coincidence, the dominant thread happens to be on the subject of fans following Juliana on tour. Apparently Juliana has brought up the subject with Stacee, simply wondering what makes a fan want to go to multiple consecutive shows with the same artist.

The thread has already turned somewhat ugly with some people (wrongfully) questioning Stacee's right to pose this (really rather innocent) question, but I still feel that I have to chime in. So why do I want to see more than one show when the chance is there? One very obvious factor is that usually I find myself on a continent that doesn't get any Juliana visits at all, so once the chance is there why not grab a few extra shows, who knows when (if ever) I'll get another opportunity to see my favorite artist? Then again even if opportunities wasn't so rare I wouldn't rule out that I'd want to see more than one show of a tour. As this week has confirmed every new concert is a different experience depending on the combination of venue, audience and the mood of Juliana herself and it really doesn't feel repetitive at all.

This time around 3 shows feels like a perfect dose though and I'm happy to follow my itinerary which means heading north for the beautiful Kings Canyon national park. The trip up there does involve following the I5 - something that usually means a pretty flat and boring experience - but being on the part just north of LA for the first time I'm positively surprised that it's quite hilly and diverse. On the CD player I have the new Jason Hatfield record that I purchased at last nights show and it makes perfect driving music. As a strange coincidence he starts singing "I hate I5" right after I've had to revise my opinion on that very piece of road! Guess that's up for discussion then :) Anyway just to round this of - here's one of the beautiful sights that I could enjoy later on in the afternoon - it's Mineral King at an altitude of 8000 feet:



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